Τρίτη, 22 Οκτωβρίου, 2024
ΑρχικήNewsCovid-19 outbreak: New confirmed single-day infections double in Greece over 24h period,...

Covid-19 outbreak: New confirmed single-day infections double in Greece over 24h period, 842; fatalities dropping

The number of single-day confirmed Covid-19 infections reported on Tuesday nearly doubled from the previous day’s figure, with 842 instances detected, up from 436 on Monday.More than half (427) of the newly detected infections are in the greater Athens area, which hosts roughly half of the country’s population of 11 million. The worrying spike in confirmed cases was not accompanied by a commensurate rise in the macabre number of related fatalities or an increase in the number intubated patients suffering from acute Covid-19 symptoms.    Specifically, 21 fatalities from the coronavirus were reported, bringing the death toll to 5,692 since the beginning of the pandemic. The average age of the victims remained fixed at 79, while 95.4 percent suffered from an underlying condition or were above the age of 70. The number of patients being treated in hospital ICUs for Covid-19 remained mostly stable at 283, the level it has been for a week now. Conversely, 1,080 previously intubated patients in ICUs recovered and were discharged from ICUs. The average age of intubated patients remained 68, with 87.3 percent suffering from an underlying condition or are above the age of 70.
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